Monday, August 3, 2009

Stud Hi/Lo Rules

Here are the rules for Stud Hi/Lo.

- Objective
- Cards Dealt
- Betting
- Hand Values

Objective :-

The objective for Stud Hi/Lo is to make the best 5 card hand from your 7 cards. There is a high and low pot in this game. You can make a hand for each pot from your 7 cards.

Cards Dealt :-

Before any cards are dealt in Stud Hi/Lo all players must pay an ante. The ante will be 10% of the small blind. So in a $10/$20 game ante's are $1. Dealing goes to the left 1 card a time. Players are dealt 3 cards. 2 face down and 1 showing.


(4th Street) Another face up card is dealt to all players still in the hand.

More betting.

(5th Street) Another face up card is dealt to all players still in the hand.

More betting.

(6th Street) Another face up card is dealt to all players still in the hand.

More betting.

(River) Another face down card is dealt to all players still in the hand.

Final betting.

Betting :-

Betting in Stud Hi/Lo follows a unique set of rules as follows:

Ante's must be paid before players are dealt any cards. This will be 10% of the SB. Blinds are then paid and dealing begins.

Round 1 - After the first 3 cards are dealt the player with the lowest showing card (the bring-in) will be the first to bet. In the event of a tie suit values are considered. In stud from highest to lowest these are: Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade. The 'bring-in' will have the choice to bet the bring-in amount (varies per game) OR the small blind amount. If they do not pay either of these then they must fold their hand. Betting continues left and the bet and raise size if fixed at the small blind for this round.

Round 2 - Betting on 4th street begins with the player with the highest showing pair or card. If the player opening is showing a pair they can choose to bet at the BB limit, after which all raises will be fixed at this limit for the round. If there are no pairs showing then the betting limit will be the SB limit for this round. There is no bring in for this or the remaining rounds so the first to bet can choose to check from this point onwards.

Round 3 - Betting on 5th street begins with the player showing the highest value hand. Betting from this round onwards is set at the BB limit. All bets and raises must be this amount.

Round 4 - See Round 3.

Round 5 - See Round 3.

Hand Values :-

High Pot

Royal Flush - (A K Q J 10 of the same suit)
Straight Flush - ( 5 running cards of the same suit e.g. 4 5 6 7 8 of spades)
Quads - (4 of the same card e.g. 8 8 8 8 ... this can also be called 4 of a kind)
Full House - (Trips and a pair e.g. Q Q Q A A or 3 3 3 7 7)
Flush - (5 cards of the same suit)
Straight - (5 running cards e.g. 6 7 8 9 10)
Trips - (3 of the same card e.g. 6 6 6 or 5 5 5)
2 Pair
1 Pair

Kickers are used in the event of a tie.

Low Pot

o win with the best low hand I will list from highest the lowest the winning hand order. Ace is the lowest card in the low pot and does not count as a high card. Flush and straight is irrelevant when deciding who wins as they don't factor into it at all.

As a general rule the hands are named by their highest card. If the highest card was a 6, it would be called 6 low, etc. This will help determining the winner. If both highest cards are the same then the second highest plays until you have a winner.

1. A 2 3 4 5 (also known as 'the wheel' or 'the nuts')
2. A 2 3 4 6
3. 2 3 4 5 6
4. A 5 6 7 9
5. 3 5 6 7 9
6. 5 6 7 8 9
7. 7 T J Q K
8. 9 T J Q K
9. 8 9 T A A
10. 5 6 7 2 2
11. 2 3 4 Q Q
12. 6 6 4 4 4

This is a representation of how hands would be ranked by order. As you can see any unpaired hands beats a hand with pairs. It plays like regular poker in reverse for the most part. Remember the Ace is the lowest card not the highest.

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